3 Advantages That Come With Professional Furnace Maintenance

Even if you've invested in an advanced residential furnace, you've got to routinely service it to ensure it serves you for an extended period. Fixing repair issues as soon as they arise and booking routine furnace maintenance appointments help maintain optimum unit function for years to come.  This is a proactive unit care approach that prevents dilapidating breakdowns that not only render your home uncomfortable but also significantly deteriorate your unit's health.

Why It's Worth Installing An Air Purifier In Your Home

Air purifiers are becoming more and more common. Some are free-standing units that you can simply set up in a living room. Others are devices that you can attach to your existing HVAC system. If you've lived your whole life without an air purifier, you may wonder if one is really necessary for your home. However, there are a lot of reasons why air purifiers are beneficial for homeowners. You won't have to clean as often

Getting An Early Start On Summer With Spring AC Care To Ensure Your System Is Running

If you want to get started with spring HVAC maintenance, there are a lot of things to consider. It is time to think about your AC projects, such as installing a new system or doing the maintenance to your existing air conditioner. Before you start an AC project, the following information will help you prepare your air conditioner for the upcoming spring and summer months: Cleaning Your HVAC System

Will Your Heating System Last This Winter?

If your home is cold inside, that usually means that your heating system is not working. A failing HVAC system can be recognized early on by recognizing warning signs. Having a new furnace in place before the old one goes out and leaves you without heat is an important part of this process. If you are aware that your heater might not be working well, then you can contact a furnace technician so you won't have to be long without a heater.

Recommendations for a Well-Working Home Air Conditioner

When your air conditioner is not working, there can be a myriad of problems that may be causing your system to malfunction. Your air conditioner may be not switching on at all, blowing warm air, or not responding to the thermostat controls. For any of these problems, it can cause you frustration and stress, especially when it is extremely hot outside and slowly seeping into your home. Here are some recommendations to help you keep your air conditioning working well and in good repair for a cool summer season.

Air Conditioner Problems Should Be Left For Technicians To Fix

If you aren't a trained professional in the HVAC industry, then you aren't the best person to determine what is really going on with your air conditioner when it starts to act up. While there are some minor issues you may be able to deal with on your own, when there is something going on that you aren't already familiar with and you aren't able to tend to easily and safely on your own, you should get a technician out right away to take a look.

Red Flags That Indicate That Your Air Conditioner Is Leaking Coolant

A residential air conditioning system works by removing heat in outside air, thus producing the cold air that flows into your home through air vents. In order for this process to work, an air conditioner uses coolant that absorbs the heat. Your air conditioning unit will not use up coolant, but it is possible for a coolant leak to develop. In this type of situation, it is important to contact an HVAC company to make the needed repairs.

3 Steps To Diagnose Weak HVAC Airflow

Poor airflow can strike your home's HVAC system at any time of the year, but it can be incredibly frustrating during the intense summer heat. Weak airflow from your vents means a warmer house, but it can also have other, costlier implications. Since less cool air is reaching your rooms, your air conditioner will need to work harder and longer to attain your thermostat's setpoint. More importantly, poor airflow can indicate that something is amiss with your home's HVAC system.

Don't Wait: 3 Furnace Repairs You Shouldn't Postpone

If you're like many people, you call for repairs when your furnace stops working altogether. It's not uncommon to postpone repairs until your furnace has a catastrophic breakdown. After all, a total breakdown is a sure sign that there's something wrong with your furnace. Luckily, there are usually signs leading up to the catastrophic malfunction. Some of those problems can be identified during routine maintenance. Others can be identified by paying attention to the way your furnace looks and functions on a regular basis.

3 Parts of Your AC Air Handler That Need Annual Service

Annual air conditioning service is important for a number of reasons. It protects your warranty, it keeps your AC working efficiently, and it protects your equipment from unnecessary damage. The AC maintenance technician services the parts in the condenser as well as the AC parts inside of the air handler. The evaporator coils, condensation drain, and blower fan are three important parts of the air handler that need annual care. Here's why it's important to keep these parts clean and operating properly.

What Work Should Be Part Of Your AC System Maintenance Checklist?

When you hear about AC maintenance, do you know exactly what should be done? If not, you may not understand how much value you're getting. Here's what should be on your AC system maintenance checklist. Filter Changes Many air conditioners come with filters that the homeowner can easily replace every month or two. Others have difficult-to-reach filters up in the attic or ducts that need to be changed out every six months to a year.

HVAC Maintenace To Start Summer With Fewer Problems And Costly Repairs

As the summer months get closer, you want to be prepared for hot weather. Therefore, there is going to be some HVAC maintenance that needs to be done. You will need to deal with your furnace and prepare the AC for summer weather. The sooner you get started with this maintenance, the fewer problems you will have this year. The following HVAC maintenance should be done to help prepare your home for summer:

2 Signs Your Central Air Conditioner's Blower Motor Is Failing

While your central air conditioner is running, you may have noticed that the air flowing out of the vents has dramatically decreased from what you are used to. If so, there may be an issue with the unit's blower motor. Below are a couple of telltale signs that your A/C system's blower motor is failing and needs to be looked at by a professional as soon as possible. 1.  Screeching Noises Coming From the A/C While It Is Running

What Air Conditioning Noises You Should Be Concerned About

Generally, air conditioning systems should last between 10 and 15 years. However, it is possible for your air conditioner to experience an unexpected breakdown, particularly if you fail to maintain it regularly. The good news is that your air conditioner will usually let you know that it is about to go out on you, but you have to be willing to listen to it. Keep reading to learn some of the noises that your air conditioner will make and what they mean so that you know how serious the problem is when you contact an HVAC technician.