Geothermal Heating And Cooling: Should You Go For It?

If you are having a new home built, or are in need of a new HVAC system for your home, you may be wondering what type of system you should have, using what type of fuel. Most likely, you will consider gas, oil, or electric systems. However, before you start to shop around, consider going with a geothermal system. Here is just a bit of information about this option for heating and cooling your home.

A Heat Pump For All Seasons

Air-source heat pumps differ from AC units in that a heat pump can both heat and cool a home. Thus, with one piece of equipment, you can meet all of your home's HVAC needs. On the other hand, an air-source heat pump works best when temperatures are moderate. The colder it gets, the harder it is for your heat pump to provide warmth. For this reason, heat pumps are most common in areas close to the tropics.

3 Reasons Why Your Office Air Conditioner Isn't Blowing Cold Air

Are you dealing with an air conditioner in your office that isn't blowing cold air? That can be a big problem, especially if it's starting to get warm outside. Nothing saps energy and productivity from employees quite like an overheated office. Before you call in a repair technician, you should check the obvious. First, check the thermostat and make sure the air is turned on and the temperature is set correctly.

Tips To Help Tame Your Heating Bills This Winter

Winter heating bills can be overwhelming when your home has an electric furnace. The good news is that there are many simple ways you can increase your furnace's efficiency and lower the power usage level in your house. Follow these tips to tame your electric bills this winter: Clean and Maintain Your Home's HVAC System Some of the easiest ways to lower your HVAC system's energy efficiency is to do all of these things:

Four Tips For Preventing Frozen Pipes

With the often-harsh Canadian winters, it's a rare homeowner who doesn't worry about frozen pipes and the possibility of them cracking and sending water cascading behind your walls, in your crawlspace and in your basement as they thaw. While frozen pipes will happen occasionally, there are some things you can do before the extreme cold weather hits to help prevent this from occurring. 1. Turn off your exterior water supply in the fall.

Well, Well, Well: How Well Water Affects Plumbing & Appliances & What To Do About It

Many homeowners don't think about their plumbing until something bad happens, like a pipe bursting, a toilet overflowing, or when taking a shower and the water suddenly turns cold. For many homeowners, the plumbing is out of sight, out of mind. But just like with everything else, your plumbing can last longer and have fewer problems with regular preventive maintenance, especially when you have a well for your water supply. Here's what every homeowner with a water well needs to know.