Planning For The Holidays? How To Make Sure You're Prepared To Avoid Electrical Problems

Now that it's time to decorate the house with holiday lights, and send out the invitations for the get-togethers, it's also time to take a look at your electrical system. You don't want electrical problems to take the enjoyment out of your holidays. Unfortunately, with all the added power that you'll be using, that's exactly what can happen if you're not prepared. Don't run the risk of being stuck with an electrical emergency this holiday season.

Don't Forget About Your Air Conditioner: 4 Tips To Help Your AC Keep You Cool All Summer Long

The weather may be cooling down now, but things will be warming up again before you know it. When it does, you'll start using your air conditioner again. Proper maintenance is key to keeping your air conditioner in good working order. Of course, that means having it serviced once a year, but it also means taking a few preventative measures. Here are just a few of the preventative measures you can take to keep your air conditioner humming along next summer.

The Four Health Affects Of An Unclean Air Conditioning System

At least once a year, you should hire a professional to both inspect and clean your AC system. There are many components that gather dirt and debris over time that can seriously affect the performance of the system. This includes the condenser, the air ducts, and more. Here are four ways not doing this can affect your health: Sinus Infections: Sinus infections are probably one of the biggest concerns can it can seriously affect you for many days.

Is Your House Not Being Properly Cooled Off? Check Out The Following Things That Could Be Causing The Problem

When you are in the middle of an incredibly hot summer, you are going to want to make sure that you are doing everything in your power to remain as cool as you can while at home. This should be easy; in fact, it should be effortless when you have central air conditioning in your home. However, if you are experiencing a problem where the house is not cooling off like it should, you need to take action.

HVAC System Give You A Warm Welcome When You Returned Home From Vacation? 3 Ways To Get It Blowing Cold Again

When you left for vacation, everything was fine. The cold air was blowing, and you even adjusted the thermostat for peak energy-efficiency while you were away. Yet, you were still greeted with a blast of hot air when you opened the front door. Unfortunately, HVAC problems tend to occur during the height of the season when many homeowners are vacationing, but you can restore your home's comfort by using these three strategies to get the cool air flowing again.

Five Steps for a Highly Efficient Roof

With a highly efficient roof, you can save money and add functionality to your home. Here are some ideas on how to keep your roof in the best shape possible. Keep It Maintained Of course, regular visits from a roofing contractor are key to an efficient roof. Their job is to replace worn materials to keep your insulation intact. When areas are allowed to deteriorate, it makes room for roofing leaks and it also lets heated air escape through the ceiling.

Your Seasonal Checklist for HVAC Maintenance

Checking on your HVAC system at several points throughout the year is a great way to avoid major repairs. Seasonal transitions are an especially effective time to do this HVAC maintenance. You can use this checklist to help you cover some major points of heating, cooling, and HVAC inspection. Check on Outdoor Units Outdoor units need to have a little down time each year for cleaning. Often, you can use your regular garden hose to blow away debris that collects over a season.

Three Step Guide To Troubleshooting Your Central Air Conditioner's Frozen Compressor

If you have noticed that your home is no longer getting cool, you may have discovered that the compressor inside the AC unit has a sheet of ice on it. If so, use the following three-step guide to troubleshooting the problem to find the cause and fix any simple problems. Step 1: Make Sure the Filter and Vents Are Clean Before you start working on finding and fixing the issue with your AC's compressor, make sure the filter and vents are clean.

Three Reasons To Change Your Air Registers

Many people invest in drastic and expensive AC repairs before they make the basic repairs. You definitely need to have your AC system serviced on a regular basis, but there are some jobs that you can do. One important and easy job is to maintain the registers and vents on the inside of your home. There are several reasons why you should consider replacing your registers. The Job is Easy

Reducing Air Conditioning Costs In The Summer

Running an air conditioner is a leading cause of expensive electricity bills in the summer. Many homeowners keep their air conditioner on all day to stay cool and might not realize how much energy it uses. If you are tired of paying through the roof to keep your home cool, you will have to make a few changes. Here are some tips for reducing your air conditioning costs: Do not Use the Oven

The Best Choices For Replacing Your Water Heater With Modern, Efficient Technology

Over the years, advancements in technology has improved water heaters to make them more efficient. Today, when you have a water heater replacement done, you have choices of technology like heat pumps or on-demand water heaters. You can even have efficient solar collectors installed on your home to aid in heating water. Here are some of the most efficient choices of modern water heater solutions to consider for your replacement:

Are Home Heating Oil Prices Likely To Remain Stable?

Home heating oil prices have remained consistently lower after a period of instability and record high prices just a few years ago, and many consumers are worried that the factors which converged to lower the price of oil may be in danger, because of both production and geopolitical issues. However, it is not likely that these issues will cause home heating oil prices to rise considerably in the foreseeable future, barring any natural or man made disaster.

Furnace Repair: 3 Strange Noises That Indicate Repairs Are Needed

If maintained and cared for properly, your average furnace can last you anywhere from 15 to 20 years. To avoid costly repairs or having to replace the furnace prematurely due to damages that have worsened over long periods of time thanks to being neglected, you should clean and inspect your furnace each and every year. During normal operations, a regular furnace will usually make a low, rumbling noise. This type of noise is not a cause for concern; however, if you start to notice your furnace singing a different tune and making other weird sounds and noises, it's usually indicative that something is malfunctioning and needs to be repaired or looked at by a licensed technician immediately.

What To Know About Regular Maintenance For Your AC

Many homeowners don't pay attention too closely to the maintenance of their air conditioning. This is because many homeowners believe that the AC doesn't need any attention unless something actually appears to be wrong. However, this is an extremely poor way to care for your home's air conditioning and can lead to poor efficiency of the entire system. Here's what you need to know about regular maintenance for your AC:

3 Ways To Save Money With Your Heat Pump

Your heat pump should not cost you a lot of money to run, but it probably makes its presence known on your energy bill. Here are three ways that you can save money on your heat pump. #1 Keep It At A Consistent Temperature The first thing that you can do is keep your heat pump at a consistent temperature. This can be a couple of degrees lower than normal; it just needs to be hot enough to be comfortable for you and hot enough to sanitize your dishes and clothes.